Ever needed a group of checkbox? To be able to let users to check more than one checkbox and less or equal to n checkboxes in AngularJS? Well, now you can. Check out the demo below:

Max: {{sliderValue}}  

  <div data-ng-controller="CheckboxGroupCtrl">
    <h3>AngularJS Custom Directive Demo</h3>
	<li ng-repeat="entry in list1">{{data[entry].text}}</li>
    <checkbox-group model="data" mlist="list1" xclass="demo" max=3></checkbox-group>
CheckboxGroupCtrl = function($scope) {
	$scope.data = [
		{ID:'1', text:'Apple', select:false},
		{ID:'2', text:'Orange', select:false},
		{ID:'3', text:'Banana',	select:false},
		{ID:'4', text:'Pineapple', select:false},
		{ID:'5', text:'Watermelon', select:false},
		{ID:'6', text:'Avocado', select:false},
		{ID:'7', text:'Kiwi', select:false}];
	$scope.list1 = [];

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